Panel participants in Berlin
Speakers, moderators and talk guests at the Opening event in Berlin
Within the framework of the two-day Opening event in the Czech Embassy and the architecture building of the TU Berlin, we are looking forward to about 50 experts from Germany and abroad. Section 4 alone with the "Pecha Kucha of Modernism" counts 21 participants. We are especially pleased to welcome guests from Central Europe and - thanks to short-term funding from the BMWSB - from Ukraine!

On the podium on 30.9. and 1.10.2022 with
- Riin Alatalu, ICOMOS International, Tallinn (moderator)
- Sabine Ambrosius, Landesdenkmalamt Berlin (Moderation, Pecha Kucha)
- Ayhan Ayrilmaz, Berlin Chamber of Architects (moderator)
- Claudia Banz, Museum of Decorative Arts/SMPK Berlin (talk guest)
- Ralf Beil, Völklingen Ironworks (Impulse)
- Regina Bittner, Bauhaus Dessau Foundation (talk guest)
- Anke Blüm, Klassik Stiftung Weimar/Bauhaus Museum Weimar (talk guest)
- Rolf Bösinger, State Secretary at the BMWSB (Greeting)
- Sandra Bornemann-Quecke, Darmstadt Mathildenhöhe (Impulse)
- Jeannette Brabenetz, Chemnitz - European Capital of Culture 2025 (Talk-Guest)
- Winfried Brenne, Brenne Architects (Pecha Kucha)
- Ben Buschfeld, / Tautes Heim (curation, moderation, Pecha Kucha)
- Bohdan Cherkes, Lviv Polytechnic National University (Impulse Ukraine Special)
- Robert Conrad, Photographer (Pecha Kucha)
- Tanja Conley, DOCMOMO Serbia, Belgrade (Impulse)
- David Crowley, National College of Art and Design Dublin (Keynote)
- Eszter Davida, CEC/Budapest (talk guest)
- Ana Ivanovska Deskova, Contineo 2022, Skopje (Impulse)
- Karsten Feucht, Berlin Center for Industrial Culture
- Thomas Flierl, Hermann Henselmann Foundation
- Nadine Gebauer, Fagus Werk Alfeld (Impulse)
- Leonie Glabau, Berlin State Monuments Office
- Alberto Grossescu, ARCEN, Bucharest (Impulse)
- Ievgeniia Gubkina, Urban Forms Center Kharkiv (Impulse Ukraine Special)
- Mila Hacke, Photographer (Pecha Kucha)
- Simone Hain, Architectural Historian (Pecha Kucha)
- Robert K. Huber, zukunftsgeraeusche GbR / BHROX bauhaus reuse (curation, moderation, Pecha Kucha)
- Helena Huber-Doudova, National Gallery Prague (impulse, talk guest, curator's tour)
- Bernd Hunger, Kompetenzzentrum-Großsiedlung e.V. (Moderation, Pecha Kucha)
- Christin Irrgang, Bauhaus Dessau Foundation (Moderation, Pecha Kucha)
- Tomáš-Kafka, Embassy of the Czech Republic Berlin (greeting)
- Janos Klaniczay, KÈK, Budapest (Impulse)
- Jens-Uwe Köhler, Studentendorf Schlachtensee eG (Pecha Kucha)
- Anja Kramer, Weissenhof Museum (Impulse)
- Carsten Krohn, Photographer (Pecha Kucha)
- Klaus Lederer, Senator for Culture and Europe / Mayor (Greeting)
- Katrin Lesser, Landscape Architect (Pecha Kucha)
- Tino Mager, ICOMOS Germany (moderator)
- Vilte Migonyte, Kaunas - European Capital of Culture 2022 (Impulse, Talk-Guest)
- Myroslava Liakhovych, Centre for Urban History, Lviv /
presently at ETH Zurich - Institute for History and Theory of Architecture (Impuls Ukraine-Special) - Uta Pottgiesser, DOCOMOMO International (moderator, talk guest)
- Christoph Rauhut, Landesdenkmalamt Berlin (Moderation, Pecha Kucha)
- Günter Schlusche, Society for the Research of the
Life and Work of German-speaking Jewish Architects (Pecha Kucha) - Phillip Sturm, ernst-may-gesellschaft, Frankfurt (Pecha Kucha)
- Clemens Schöll, Förderverein Palast der Republik e.V. (Pecha Kucha)
- Svitlana Smolenska, affiliate researcher at Kharkiv School of Architecture,
Technical University of Berlin and OWL University of Applied Sciences and Arts (Impuls Ukraine-Special) - Nina Wiedemeyer, Bauhaus Archive Berlin (talk guest)
- Michal Wisniewski, instytut architektury / ICC Krakow (impulse)
Failed at short notice
- Marion Bleß, LOTTO Foundation Berlin (greeting)
- Anja Guttenberger, Bernau (Pecha Kucha -
represented by Christian Schwerdtner, Kulturamt Bernau) - Fabian Reifferscheidt, Bröhan Museum (Pecha Kucha)
Resumes / CVs
of the participants on the podium
- Download as PDF soon *
(Note: Any missing information
will be gladly added)
Curation and coordination
of the two-day Opening event
Robert K. Huber,
zukunftsgeraeusche GbR /
BHROX bauhaus reuse
Robert K. Huber
Postfach 120618, 10596 Berlin
Tel. +49 (0)30-314-72202
Ben Buschfeld, -
graphic and interface design
Parchimer Allee 81 B, 12359 Berlin
Tel.: +49 (0)30-25922963
Organization and program
Technical direction
Peter Winter,
zukunftsgeraeusche GbR / BHROX bauhaus reuse
+ Team / Freelancers
Guest services
Hilal Beratoglu
Jana Dudova
Czech Embassy
Lydie Holinková (Cultural and Press Attché)
Czech Center
Simona Binko (Coordination, Curator's Guide)