Make a note now: TDM 2025

Save-the-Date: Triennial-Opening

Sept. 26/27/28, 2025 in Dessau

Following initial planning meetings between the core partners from all three cities and a first information meeting for potential program partners in Berlin, the cross-city motto "Torn Modernities" and the dates of the Opening event in Dessau have now been set. The Berlin program can run until December. Further program contributions are welcome. Potential contributors from Berlin should contact info@Triennial-der-moderne .org.

Traveling exhibition 2024/25

Traveling exhibition

"Modernism in Ukraine" in Chemnitz

Three chapters of the exhibition series developed for Triennial 2022 on "Modernism in Ukraine" are now being shown as a traveling exhibition. They raise awareness of the common European heritage and the importance of Ukraine for the architecture of Modernism. The three parts of the exhibition can be seen from 18.11.2024 to 18.1.2025 in Chemnitz, the European Capital of Culture 2025. There will be guided tours on December 6 and January 18. The next stop will be Kharkiv.

ETOM NEB Lab - Milestone 2024

ETOM NEB Lab: Modern Housing ...

Oct 14-15, 2024: Conference in Halle

The international conference "Modern Housing postwar - Cities of Tomorrow?" takes the 60th anniversary of Halle-Neustadt as an opportunity for a transnational exchange on large housing estates of post-war modernism. It is designed as a milestone project of the European Triennial of Modernism(ETOM) and as an "ETOM NEB-Lab" in the context of the "New European Bauhaus". One focus is on the exchange between Poland and Germany.

ETOM NEB Lab - Feature 2024

New European Bauhaus

Satellite event 2024 in Berlin

On April 15, 2024, an event will be presented at BHROX bauhaus reuse, which will be part of the ETOM NEB Lab and forms a component of the New European Bauhaus Festival (NEB): Accompanied by a panel discussion, Docomomo Journal No. 70 will be presented, followed by the opening of the thematically appropriate sixth part of the exhibition series Modernism in Ukraine presented as part of the ETOM initiative. The event is hybrid and can be followed via Zoom from 3 pm.

International Conference 2023

Convergences and Divergences

Colloquium on 16-18.11.2023

The international conference looked at Modernism in Central Europe beyond a simple division into East and West. It was organized in cooperation between the ETOM initiative and the Pilecki Institute at Pariser Platz. The five panel discussions with partners and projects from several European countries were complemented by two free keynote lectures and the "Soft Grounds" exhibition.

EU Network "ETOM

European Triennial of Modernism:

Diverse Modernism | Modern Diversity

The "European Triennial of Modernism (ETOM)" initiative aims to form a multinational network that will exchange ideas and perhaps even cooperate on the program in 2025. Initially focusing on Central Europe, around 40 partners from 15 countries have already been brought together in 2022. The ETOM NEB Lab has now been founded as part of the EU's "New European Bauhaus (NEB)" program ...

Program in Berlin 2022

From 30.9.-31.12.2022 in Berlin:

Theme Heritage and Diversity

Triennial 2022 began with a two-day Opening event in Berlin. Future network cities and partners from Germany and Europe were presented for the first time. The Berlin program continued into December.

Program in Dessau 2022

7-9.10.2022 in Dessau:

Water culture and hygiene

The Dessau weekend in 2022 was dedicated to water culture and hygiene. Dessau locations and buildings from Modernism , from the Bauhaus building to the pump house in Dessau-Törten and the Waterworks East, are examples of the change in hygiene and urban planning standards. There was a Triennial day ticket for €8.

Program in Weimar 2022

14-16.10.2022 in Weimar:

History and present

In 1923, the Bauhaus shows how teachers and students envisioned the Modernism in architecture, art and design with the Haus Am Horn in a first showcase. The Bauhaus Museum, which opens in Weimar in 2019, presents the treasures of the world's oldest Bauhaus collection. Weimar also has several other highlights for those interested in the Bauhaus and history.

Opening-Event 2022

Concentrated input

30.9. + 1.10.2022: Two days Opening

Under the motto "Diversity Modernism | Modernism Diversity", the newly established networks in Germany and Europe presented themselves at the Czech Embassy on September 30, 2022. The second day at the TU at Ernst-Reuter-Platz was followed by a special on "Modernism in Ukraine" and a "Pecha Kucha of Modernism".

Annual motto 2022

The motto of TDM 2022:


The motto for the 2022 event year was Living.Work.Life. This triad focused on aspects of Modernism that still concern us today. Its ideals were linked to the development of modern societies and their urban centers in the wake of industrialization. In addition to architecture, urban planning, art and design, social and societal issues are also included. 

Special topic 2022

Topic Focus:

Modernism in Ukraine, Parts 1-6

The images of the war in Ukraine are harrowing. The destruction of cities, buildings and cultural assets shows no sign of stopping. To mark the occasion, a five-part exhibition series showed buildings in Kharkiv and Lviv. On the second day of the Berlin Opening event, speakers reported on the legacy of Modernism and the current situation in Ukraine.

World Heritage Proposal 2022

Berlin East-West-East

Colloquium on 25 + 26.10.2022

Berlin has proposed that the two large listed ensembles of the reconstruction - Karl-Marx-Allee and buildings from Interbau 1957 - be recommended for the German Tentative List of World Heritage Sites. The proposal was presented and discussed at the colloquium at Triennial of Modernism .

New cooperations 2022

Strategic partnerships:

Docomomo and Icomos

The Triennial of Modernism 2022 formed the Opening for a Europe-wide network that could lead to a European festival from 2025. To this end, we have established strategic partnerships with ICOMOS, DOCOMOMO International and other partners in order to anchor the format professionally and strengthen it in the long term.

German World Heritage Sites 2022

Network of Modernism:

World Heritage of the 20th Century in Germany

Of the 51 World Heritage Sites in Germany, several represent the 20th century. The first networking and presentation took place at Berlin Opening 2022:

Social media offers

Please subscribe and share:

TDM @ Facebook, Twitter, Insta, Youtube

At the beginning of 2021, we added other channels to Triennial in addition to Facebook. Here we also want to draw attention to events outside the festival period and would be delighted if you could help: The hashtag is #triennaledermoderne.

Archive 2013-2019


Festival years 2019 - 2016 - 2013

Launched in 2013, "Triennial of Modernism" has since offered a varied program every three years. The changing motto refers to current topics, anniversaries or theme years. Here you can find an overview of the themes and focal points of the previous three festivals.

Film documentary 2019

Film documentary:

Statements on the Triennial

Launched in 2013, the festival originated from a cooperation between Berlin, Dessau and Weimar and their UNESCO World Heritage Sites of the 1920s. Since then, the context and architectural heritage of Modernism has been brought to the attention of the general public every three years. At the final conference in 2019, it was decided how the format should be continued - and also expanded ...