14–15 Oct 2024
International Conference in Halle

Modern Housing postwar – Cities of Tomorrow?

International conference

on the occasion of “60 years of Halle-Neustadt” and the founding of
the “Future Center for German Unity and European Transformation”.


An European Triennial of Modernism (ETOM) NEB milestone project about large housing estates in Central Europe erected after World War II. The conference is carried out as an “ETOM NEB-Lab” conference, within the framework of the “New European Bauhaus”, in the context of Central Europe, with a special focus on the exchange with Poland — In cooperation with the Federal Ministry for Housing, Urban Development and Building (BMWSB), the State of Saxony-Anhalt – Ministry for Infrastructure and Digital Affairs and the State Chancellery and Ministry for Culture, and the City of Halle (Saale).

The conference will be hosted at

  • Lichthaus (Dreyhauptstrasse 3, 06108 Halle – in close proximity to the market square and Hallmarkt)
  • The conference will include two excursion days on 13 + 16 Oct through the residential development in Halle-Neustadt and a short walk to the Franckesche Stiftungen nearby on 14 Oct.
  • Anmerkung zur Sprache: Die Konferenzsprache ist wegen des länderübergreifenden Themas Englisch. Es wird aber eine Simultan-Übersetzung angeboten, so dass einzelne Impulse sowie Diskussionsbeiträge auch auf Deutsch vorgetragen bzw. formuliert werden können und eine breite Beteiligung möglich ist.
  • Note on language: The conference language is English due to the transnational agenda. However, to enable the broadest possible participation, simultaneous translation will be provided – so that individual impulses and contributions to the discussion can also be presented and/or formulated in German.

Registration is required via Eventbrite

Program Schedule

Conference DAY 1

Mon – Oct 14, 2024

08:30 Registration at conference venue:
Lichthaus (Dreyhauptstrasse 3, 06108 Halle – near: market square and Hallmarkt)

09:30 Short tour towards Franckesche Stiftungen (Franckeplatz 1, Haus 37, 06110 Halle)
with panoramic view over Halle and Halle-Neustadt – transfer back to Lichthaus

09:45 Welcoming at Lichthaus
Assignment – Keynote-Panel:

  • Klara Geywitz, German Federal Minister for Housing, Urban Development and Building (BMWSB)
  • Lydia Hüskens, Minister of Infrastructure and Digital Affairs of the State of Saxony-Anhalt
  • René Rebenstorf, Deputy Mayor for Urban Development and Environment
  • Vera Winthagen, (New European Bauhaus, Joint Research Center of the European Commission) 
  • tba, Future Center for German Unity and European Transformation
  • tba, Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage (MKiDN); Ministry of Development (MR) 

——— 11:00 Coffee-Break ———

11:15 Prelude and Intro 
Lessons learned from other conferences and impulse lectures about Halle / Halle-Neustadt

  • Wido Quist / Uta Pottgiesser, DOCMOMO International – Lessons Learned:
    Annual conference of DOCOMOMO Germany and the „Frankfurt Declaration of Housing“
  • Guido Schwarzendahl, Bauverein Halle & Leuna eG – Lessons Learned:
    September Conference „wohn_komplex“ in Halle-Neustadt (See: corresponding events)
  • Harald Kegler, University Halle / Future Center Halle:
    Introduction about Halle-Neustadt
  • Christian Drobe, Masaryk University (Brno), Exhibition „Industry culture in Halle“

——— 12:00 Lunch-Break ——— 

13:00 Section 1:
Origins | Future Cities – emerging futures 

  • Impulse-statements
    • Thomas Flierl, Architectural Historian, Max-Lingner Foundation, Berlin
    • Michał Wisniewski, ICC Krakow
    • Svitlana Smolenska, div. universities (Ukraine / Germany)
    • Verica Krstic, University of Belgrade
    • Hana Řepková, National Monument Institute, Prague
    • Gergely Hartmann, MOME – Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest, ModernGyőr
  • Workshop-Talk / Round-table discussion (incl. short break)
    • Moderators: Thomas Flierl and Helena Huber-Doudová, ETOM / National Gallery Prague
  • Breakout-Rooms (plus audience):
    Learning about diverse realms and realities of the origins of the „future cities“
  • Lessons learned – Question:
    What do we inherit from “historic futures”, positive/negative legacy? 

——— 15:15 Coffee-Break ——— 

15:30 Section 2:
Transitions | Transforming Realities – alterations of decline and renewal 

  • Impulse-statements
    • Hubert Trammer, ETOM / New European Bauhaus – High Level Roundtable
    • Peter Szalay, Slovak Academy of Sciences
    • Lenka Burgerova, ETOM / Prague 7 – deputy mayor
    • Tinatin Gurgenidze, Tbilisi Architecture Biennal
    • Hanna Bondar, Member of the Ukrainian Parliament
    • Regina Balla, Department of Urban Planning and Design, Faculty of Architecture, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
  • Workshop-Talk / Round-table discussion (incl. short break)
    • Moderators: Eszter Dávida ETOM / KEK, New European Bauhaus – Round Table and János Klaniczay, ETOM / KEK – Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Center
  • Breakout-Rooms (plus audience):
    Learning about diverse realms and realities of transformation 
  • Lessons learned – Question:
    What crucial abilities can we derive for sustainable transformations? 

——— 18:30 Late-Break (with snacks) ———

19:00 Keynote 1

  • Joanna Kusiak, University of Cambridge – Department of Geography, SFB Strukturwandel des Eigentums
  • Discussion (amongst keynote speakers + audience participation) 

20:30 Reception (Get-together) 

Conference DAY 2

Tue – Oct 15, 2024

08:30 Registration (for arrivals on day 2)

09:30 Section 3:
Contemporary | Domains of Activism – her/histories of activism 

  • Impulse-statements
    • Zofia Piotrowska, WSPÓŁ Association for Housing, RZUT Quarterly
    • Polina Ljaševa, „Lasnaidee“ – community movement in Lasnamäe housing area, promoting urban quality
    • Alex Axinte, Studio Basar
    • Barbara Szij, KÉK – Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Centre
    • Paulina Paga, housing activist, Fundacja Teren Otwarty, Museum of Housing Estates in Lublin
  • Workshop-Talk / Round-table discussion (incl. short break)
    • Moderators: Kacper Kępiński, NIAiU – National Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning, Warsaw and Małgorzata Jędrzejczyk, Pilecki Institute (tbc)
  • Breakout-Rooms (plus audience):
    Learning about diverse realms and realities of the domains of activism 
  • Lessons learned – Question:
    How or how long can temporary achievements maintain permanent? 

——— 12:30 Lunch-Break ———

13:30 Section 4:
Upcoming | Agencies of Tomorrow – local and planetary challenges

  • Impulse-statements
    • Ruta Leitanaite, UREHERIT – programm „Holistic Renovation of Modernist Housing Estates“
    • Monika Konrad, Deputy Director Department of Architecture and Spatial Planning City of Warsaw, Extraordinary Professor Brno Technical University
    • Zoltán Erő, Chief Architect of Budapest
    • Yvette Vašourková, CCEA – Centre for Central European Architecture
    • Ulrich Möbius, Project „Stasi Areal Halle“, Peissnitzhaus
    • Matthias Bernt, Leibniz-Institut für Raumbezogene Sozialforschung IRS
  • Workshop-Talk / Round-table discussion (incl. short break)
    • Moderators: Klára Prešnajderová, Slovak Design Center and Ruta Leitanaite, Architects Association of Lithuania (tbc)
  • Breakout-Rooms (plus audience):
    Exploring emergences of present chances and challenges
  • Lessons learned – Question:
    How can we pursue/sustain (trans-sectoral) agencies for a better future? 

——— 16:30 Late-Break ——— 

17:00 Keynote 2 (tba)
Discussion (amongst keynote speakers + audience participation) 

18:30 Closing panel – Finale lessons:
Sketching big points of postwar modern housing for tomorrow

20:00 End 


General Moderators

  • Robert K. Huber, ETOM / BHROX Bauhaus reuse, zukunftsgeraeusche GbR
  • Ben Buschfeld, ETOM / buschfeld.com, Triennale der Moderne
  • Uta Pottgiesser, ETOM / DOCOMOMO International
  • Riin Alatalu, ETOM / ICOMOS International
  • Wido Quist, ETOM / DOCOMOMO International
  • Representative, ETOM / ICOMOS Germany (tba)

Section Hosts (in order of sections 1–4)

  • Thomas Flierl, Architectural Historian, Max-Lingner Foundation
    Helena Huber-Doudová, ETOM / National Gallery Prague
  • Eszter Dávida (ED) ETOM / KEK, New European Bauhaus Round Table
    János Klaniczay, ETOM / KEK – Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Center
  • Kacper Kępiński, NIAiU – National Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning, Warsaw
    Małgorzata Jędrzejczyk, Pilecki Institute
  • Klára Prešnajderová, Slovak Design Center
    Ruta Leitanaite, Architects Association of Lithuania

Topic Outline

Trans-European findings and approaches about the developments and perspectives of the transformation of urban design and large housing settlements of post-war Modernism, from the 20th to the 21st century, considering major development and policy goals: transformability of inhabited stock and modern heritage, resilience and sustainability of urban (re)development, infrastructure, energy and building materials, and social cohesion. 

The development of housing settlements and urban planning of post-war modernism embodies a multi-layered transformation – in dealing with scarcity, newness, change, existing built fabric and future tasks – which is significant in the European context, especially in the Central European countries along the former Iron Curtain, in order to learn from the history of development and sustainably open up future perspectives.

The emergence of the residential quarters and cities of tomorrow followed the housing shortage after World War II and was based on the critical approach and innovation represented by modern housing construction of the interwar period. The upcoming genesis was driven by social and economic developments and the period of change after 1989, with phases of transition, decline, civil society activism, urban redevelopment, renovation, renewal, and as well preservation. This development from the turn of the millennium to present day shapes the form, perception, and function as a built environment and living space for millions of people. In every respect, the crucial examination is on current transformations, resilience, and future capabilities in the face of structural change, demographics, the climate crisis, housing shortages, and social challenges.

Excursions 13 + 16 Oct

  • Sunday, 13 Oct, 16:30–18:30:
    Pre Conference Tour through Halle-Neustadt
    with Harald Kegler and Thomas Flierl
    Starting point: Ehemaliges Rathaus Halle-Neustadt
  • Wednesday 16 Oct: Post Conference Tours in/around Halle-Neustadt
    • exhibition „Industry culture in Halle“ in the Saline Museum with curator Christian Drobe (time / meeting point tba)
    • Transformation of the former Stasi site with Ulrich Möbius, Peißnitzhaus e.V. (time / meeting point tba)
  • Registration is required via Eventbrite

Stay tuned via Social Media

Apart from the main festival season the website www.triennale-der-moderne.de is only updated occasionally. In the meanwhile, we keep you posted via our Social Media channels. If you want to help to spread the news, we will be happy to see your likes, shares and re-posts 🙂

Cooperation partners / Supporters

  • ETOM – European Triennial of Modernism 
  • ETOM NEB Lab
    represented by the Coordination Group:
    • BHROX bauhaus reuse / zukunftsgeraeusche
    • KEK – Hungarian Contemporary Arch. Center
    • ICOMOS international,
    • NGP – National Gallery Prague
    • SVK – Slovak Design Center
    • EKA – Estonian Academy of Art,
    • ACE – Architects’ Council of Europe
    • buschfeld.com – graphic and interface design

Corresponding Event
in Halle (Saale), Germany

Symposium in German with several workshops, exhibitions, guided tours and formats of activism – all on 12 – 15 Sep and therefore easy to combine with a visit of our conference, as „wohn_komplex“ takes place on the extended weekend before we start …

Partner Events in Poland

(related to the special focus and cooperation) 

  • Exhibition „Housing Product“, 15 Nov 2024 – 31 Jan 2025, Warsaw Architecture Pavilion ZODIAK – the program with exhibition, workshops, discussions and lectures will show the iterations of the housing system in Warsaw – from the communist period, to first market developments and financialization.

As well as …

Register Now

photo credits: Halle-Neustadt, wall art in Wohnkomplex II, Herzgeroder Strasse; photo: Herbert Lachmann; source: Halle City Archive; graphics: buschfeld.com